On 2004-09-13 18:22:15 UTC, Eduardo Pérez wrote:
> I'd like to create a simple app to chat securely.
> Requisites:
> Use OpenPGP keys on both ends (because lots of users already have
> OpenPGP keys)
> Procedure:
> User selects a public key to communicate
> He or the system finds the IP/TCP address
> The other end sees who is trying to contact him
> The other end accepts or refuses the connection.
> Both chat securely.
> Is there an easy way to create a SSL socket using OpenPGP keys?

I just wanted to tell that I found:
And it seems what I was looking for.

This is what N. Mavroyanopoulos told me:
> gnutls includes an implementation of this openpgp draft. 
> Most of the openpgp stuff are in:
> libextra/openpgp/

> lib/auth_dhe.c (Diffie hellman signed with openpgp/x509 keys)
> lib/auth_rsa.c (RSA with openpgp/x509 keys)
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