On Fri, Jun 06, 2003, rajagopalan ramanujam wrote:
> Hi Dr Steve,
> Since its an embedded platform it does not have debug
> or a serial interface. But i did debug further and
> found that OBJ_obj2nid returning 7 (RSA-md2) incase
> of www.google.com and it returns 8 (RSA-md5) incase
> of
Hi Dr Steve,
Since its an embedded platform it does not have debug
or a serial interface. But i did debug further and
found that OBJ_obj2nid returning 7 (RSA-md2) incase
of www.google.com and it returns 8 (RSA-md5) incase
of thawte.com.
Basically its failing in EVP_get_digestbyname()
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003, rajagopalan ramanujam wrote:
> hi,
> I have defined SSL_library_init rather then
> openSSL_add_all_algorithms to save memory.
> I have turned on DES,RC4 in chipers and MD5,SHA in
> message digest.
> Could you let me know what could be problem.
> I can connect
I tried to openSSL_add_all_algotithms instead of
SSL_library_init but i am still seeing the same
--- rajagopalan ramanujam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> hi,
> I have defined SSL_library_init rather then
> openSSL_add_all_algorithms to save memory.
> I have turned on DES,RC4 in c
I have defined SSL_library_init rather then
openSSL_add_all_algorithms to save memory.
I have turned on DES,RC4 in chipers and MD5,SHA in
message digest.
Could you let me know what could be problem.
I can connect to www.thawte.com and X509_verify
is successful. And also i have generated s
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003, rajagopalan ramanujam wrote:
> hi,
> I exported thawte server CA and verisign class3
> certificates from the browser for testing and
> converted to C structure using x509 -C -in xxx.cer >
> xxx.C and added to my SSL client. Following is the
> code below.
> I am calling
I exported thawte server CA and verisign class3
certificates from the browser for testing and
converted to C structure using x509 -C -in xxx.cer >
xxx.C and added to my SSL client. Following is the
code below.
I am calling this function in a loop to load the
unsigned char thawt