I am developing QNX software using QNX Momentics Tool Suite.
Momentics Tool Suite is installed on my Window7 system, and Neutrino RTOS
6.5 system runs on the target IPC ( Industrial Personal Computer ).

Now I need to use openssl 1.1.0f in my program. I download the OpenSSL
source code from
In OpenSSL compilation guide, OpenSSL library seems to have to be compiled
via command line. Configure first, then make. 

I found this,   QNX 6.5 OpenSSL Build
This page seems to use command line to compile openssl too.

But in my situation, no command line is used. How can I create a command
line environment to compile openssl in my current situation? 
Or, can I compile openssl library by QNX Momentics IDE? 


Sent from: http://openssl.6102.n7.nabble.com/OpenSSL-User-f3.html

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