
I'm having some problems to sign my data with encrypted RSA keys. I'm doing the following sequence:

// Create the RSA key pair and write into PEM files   
      RSA *pair = RSA_generate_key(1024, 3, NULL, NULL);
      EVP_PKEY *pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
      EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(pkey, pair);
      FILE *fp = fopen("rsaprivatekey.pem", "w");
      const EVP_CIPHER *c = EVP_des_ede3_cbc();  // *****encrypt with 3-des
      string password = "abc123";
      int klen = password.length();
      unsigned char *kstr = new unsigned char[klen];
      memcpy(kstr, password.c_str(), klen);
      PEM_write_PrivateKey(fp,pkey, c, kstr, klen, NULL, NULL); // write the private key into a file
      // **** Writes the public key into a file
      fp = fopen("rsapublickey.pem", "w");

// Read the PEM files
         string password = "abc123";
         FILE *fp = fopen("rsaprivatekey.pem", "r");
         int klen = password.length();
         unsigned char *kstr = new unsigned char[klen];
         memcpy(kstr, password.c_str(), klen);
         EVP_PKEY *pkey = PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, NULL, NULL, kstr);

// Try to sign the data
    EVP_MD_CTX ctx;
    const EVP_MD *digest_type = EVP_sha1();   // *** I must use SHA1 as digest algorithm
    EVP_SignInit_ex(&ctx, digest_type, NULL);
    EVP_SignUpdate(&ctx, data, data_len); //data has some content
    unsigned char sig[EVP_PKEY_size(pkey)];
    unsigned int siglen = 0;
      // Sign the data with RSA-SHA1
      EVP_SignFinal(&ctx, sig, &siglen, pkey) // ********** HERE I HAVE AN ERROR:

      ERROR: (error:0606B06E:lib(6):func(107):reason(110)) = > This means function SignFinal,  reason EVP_R_WRONG_PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE.

When I try with encrypted DSA keys it works, and with unencrypted RSA keys it works too.... What is the problem with my encrypted RSA keys above??

Thanks for the help!

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