Salve all,

since three days I'm playing with the OpenSSL API. A little confusing I 
have to admit. Hope this first post is not too stupid ...

Q1: Why is this not a key?
When a key is generated with RSA_generate_key, RSA_check_key is 1 and it 
is saved with PEM_write_RSAPrivateKey. When checked with "openssl rsa 
-in file -check" it says it's OK. Writing the public key with 
PEM_write_RSAPublicKey gives a file but it can't be read by "openssl rsa 
-in filename". I'm lost on why this happens ... (Tried the _bio_ as well)

Q2: How to convert from EVP_PKEY to RSA? EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA segfaults on 
me :(
Actually I don't understand why there is an RSA argument to write and 
and an EVP_PKEY return from read ...

Q3: How to use a RSA to encrypt an IV for a blockcipher? IV is the 
session key, is it not?

Q4: Has someone easy code to share? Should do basics like RSA and 
session key generation, encoding of files with the BIO_.

Thanks in Advance!

Christoph Puppe

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