> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org On Behalf Of Viktor Dukhovni
> Sent: Sunday, 01 September, 2013 15:24

> In:
>     http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/postfix/2013-09/0003.html
> Peer Heinlein reports that some Exim SMTP clients fail to establish
> a TLS session with Postfix SMTP servers because Exim enforces a
> minimum prime size of 2048-bits for MODP EDH.  My reply in:
>     http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/postfix/2013-09/0015.html
> boils down the behaviour of SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(3) which
> invokes the application callback with one of two keylengths:
>     #define SSL_EXPORT_PKEYLENGTH(a) (SSL_IS_EXPORT40(a) ? 512 : 1024)
> in response to which Postfix returns parameters with a 512-bit or
> a 1024-bit prime.
Aside: In addition to head, that value is in all releases I have 
back many years, except I think fips. 

> - Is it reasonable for clients to expect stronger EDH groups?
> - Is there is any API support in OpenSSL for servers to provide a
>   suitable range of parameters, perhaps tied to the 
> negotiated symmetric
>   algorithm key size?  (With anonymous cipher-suites there is 
> no public
>   key on which to base the EDH parameter choice).
Not that I've seen. The callback does get the SSL*, from which 
it could find the suite, and its characteristics.

It isn't an IETF standard, but NIST SP800-57 has a general 
purpose mapping of strength across symmetric, hash, RSA (IFC), 
DSA/DH (IDL), and ECC which I would use for lack of any better.

> Given the high computational cost of prime EDH, my guess is that
> it does not make much sense to go beyond 1024-bits, and that EECDH
> is by far the better choice for greater security.
Aside: OpenSSL 0.9.8 does support ECDHE (and anon and fixed) 
suites, but not by default; you have to tweak the cipher-string 
(which hope posftix can do, but don't know) or rebuild (always 
technically possible, but probably undesirable for users).
RedHat is presumably still an issue there.

> Incidentally, I just noticed the undocumented
> SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh_callback(), which has the same interface as
> SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback(3) and it seems is also called with
> keylength equal to either 512 or 1024.  What is the meaning of
> the keylength in this context?
Clearly nothing useful.

> I have been using the equally undocumented SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh(),
> which just sets a fixed curve for all EECDH cipher-suites.  Is there
> any disadvantage to this approach?
In principle if a client supports some curve(s) but not the one 
you selected, handshake will unnecessarily skip ECDHE -- and 
if no other key-exchange available fail. I'd say in practice if 
you pick p-256 or maybe p-384 you probably get decent results.

> It would be nice to have more documentation for the EC side of the
> interface.

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