Michael -

Here is what I do to revoke a certificate:

REM this copy is necessary because -revoke command does not do it; maybe
this is a bug?
openssl ca -revoke .\subca1\subca1ee.crt -config test.cnf -name sub_ca1

copy .\subca1\index.txt.new .\subca1\index.txt

openssl ca -gencrl -name root_ca -config test.cnf -out .\root\root.pem

REM ca does not have an outform and since openssl defaults to PEM we need to
convert the CRL to DER so Netscape, IE, etc can use it. I think ca should
have an -outform :)

openssl crl -inform pem -outform der -in .\root\root.pem -out
del .\root\root.pem

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael J Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2001 6:01 PM
Subject: Revoke problem


When I revoke a certificate, the crl file does not reflect this.  The 
index.txt file does though.  The config file is pointing to the crl file.  
Any ideas on how to get this to work right?  Thanks alot

Mike ______________________________________________________________________
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