1)All X509 operations are in the x509 module(folder).You may see the x509.h for 
more details.To load a X509 object , you can use d2i_X509 which converts the 
ANSI DER strings to X509 object(you can see the openssl doc for more function 
Also,you can reference the source code in ssl folder.I recommend you to 
reference the "int SSL_use_certificate_file(SSL *ssl, const char *file, int 
type)" function's  implementation,which will tell you how to load a x509.

2)To get the information from the X509 object, you should see the x509.h.
To get  "CN ,OU..." , you can use "X509_NAME *    X509_get_issuer_name(X509 
*a);" or "X509_NAME *    X509_get_subject_name(X509 *a);"
To get a serial number , you can use "ASN1_INTEGER *    
X509_get_serialNumber(X509 *x);"

At 2011-02-07 04:08:30,"Aro RANAIVONDRAMBOLA" <razuk...@gmail.com> wrote:
I work with C++ language. I'd like to create a class named "certificate" in 
which I 'll have a X509 object  and fonctions member like  verify_certificate.
1) I would like to know how to load X509 certificate object, I do not see any 
fonction in the API which can do it ( out of handshake fonctions ).
2) Then How to parse this X509 certificate ( in pem format for example ). I 
must retrieve "serial number", "cn" etc ...
Thanks for your help

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