I've been trying to get SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1 to
load in a der encoded private key without success.  I
have gotten my application working with pem encoded
certificates but have hit a brick wall with loading
der encoded private keys(I have no problem loading the
client/ca certs)
The code leading up to the SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1
call is as so:

FILE *fp = fopen(clientKeyFile, "r");
if{fp != NULL) {
    // get the length of the key(why cant
SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_ASN1 do this?)
  char *buf = new char[BUF_SIZE];
  int len = fread(buf, sizeof(char), BUF_SIZE, fp);
  delete buf;

my_ssl_ctx, (unsigned char *)clientKeyFile, len))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error loading key\n");


Am I using the right function call? To load pem
encoded keys I was using the following:
clientKeyFile, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) which works fine.

Thanks in advance,

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