I have a problem with OpenSSL-0.9.6. Would you mind you help me?
I'm using OpenSSL lib to get SSL access to the email server via IMPA4 protocol. I
have develop a DLL which is provide access to IMPA4 server. If I'm not using SSL the
DLL is working fine. If I will replace Read() and Write() functions by SSL_read() and
SSL_write() I get a strange behavior: Dll if working under Windows 2000

In the begining I initalizing the SLL and establishing a connection:
SSL *m_SecureConnection;
SSL_CTX *m_ctx;
SSL_METHOD  *SSLConnectMethod = NULL;
SSL_library_init ();
SSLConnectMethod = SSLv3_client_method ( );
m_ctx = SSL_CTX_new ( SSLConnectMethod );
if ( m_ctx )
        m_SecureConnection = SSL_new ( m_ctx );
        if ( m_SecureConnection )
                int rc;
                rc = SSL_set_fd ( m_SecureConnection, m_Socket->GetHandle () );
                if ( (rc = SSL_connect ( m_SecureConnection )) == 1 )
                        //Secure SSL connection to mail server established

This code working well. The connection to server is established

Than I Read/Write IMAP4 messages:
int nBytesRead = SSL_read ( m_SecureConnection, pBuffer, dwBufferSize );
if ( nBytesRead > 0 ) {...}

nBytesWritten = SSL_write ( m_SecureConnection, pBuffer, dwBufferSize );
if ( nBytesWritten > 0) {...}

This is also working well.

UNFORTUNATELY the next code fails. When I'm tryieng to finish connection I get
SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: rc = SSL_shutdown ( m_SecureConnection );
if (rc == 0)
        // as suggested in the spec if 1st shutdown fails, try again
        rc = SSL_shutdown ( m_SecureConnection );
m_SecureConnection = NULL;
m_ctx = NULL;

The problem is that SSL_shutdown() returns "0" with SSL_get_error() ==
"SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL" in both cases.

Could you help me? May be I'm forgot to do something?

PS: If I'm using SSLv2_client_method instead of SSLv3_client_method, the first 
SSL_shutdown() returns "1" (no problems)

Thanks in Advance
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