Hi there.

I'm attempting to setup a reverse proxy using OpenBSD-2.7, OpenSSL-0.9.5a,
mod_ssl-2.6.4_1.3.12, and Apache-1.3.12.

Up to this point, I've gotten the reverse proxy setup and it runs correctly
for retrieving port 80 based materials. But I cannot get Apache to launch
with SSL support.

Here is the error that I am getting from apache-rproxy.elog:
[Mon Jun 19 05:26:09 2000] [error] mod_ssl: Init:
(openliness-qa.mydomain.com:443) Unable to configure RSA server private key
(OpenSSL library error follows)
[Mon Jun 19 05:26:09 2000] [error] OpenSSL: error:0B080074::lib(11)
:func(128) :reason(116)

Can anyone help me? I have the cert for openliness-qa on the rproxy server.
Do I actually need the key as well or is the proxy  becoming transparent
after the certificate has been passed from the Proxy to the client? If I'm
really curious why http will work, but attempting to start https is failing.

Here is my httpd.conf file.
          ##  apache-rproxy.conf -- Apache configuration for Reverse Proxy

          #   server type
          ServerType           standalone
          Port                 80
          Listen               443
          MinSpareServers      2
          StartServers         5
          MaxSpareServers      10
          MaxClients           150
          MaxRequestsPerChild  100

          #   server operation parameters
          KeepAlive            on
          MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
          KeepAliveTimeout     15
          Timeout              400
          IdentityCheck        off
          HostnameLookups      on

          #   paths to runtime files
          PidFile              /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy.pid
          LockFile             /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy.lock
          ErrorLog             /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy.elog

          #   unused paths
          ServerRoot           /opt/apache
          DocumentRoot         /tmp
          CacheRoot            /tmp
          TypesConfig          /dev/null
          AccessConfig         /dev/null
          ResourceConfig       /dev/null

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl
SSLEngine on
SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin
SSLSessionCache         dbm:/opt/apache/logs/ssl_scache
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
SSLMutex  file:/opt/apache/logs/ssl_mutex
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLLog      /opt/apache/logs/ssl_engine_log
SSLLogLevel info
SSLCertificateFile      /opt/apache/conf/ssl.crt/snakeoil-rsa.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile   /opt/apache/conf/ssl.key/snakeoil-rsa.key
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown
CustomLog /opt/apache/logs/ssl_request_log \
          "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

          #   speed up and secure processing
          <Directory />
          Options -FollowSymLinks -SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
          AllowOverride None

          #   the status page for monitoring the reverse proxy
          <Location /rproxy-status>
          SetHandler server-status

          #   enable the URL rewriting engine
          RewriteEngine        on
          RewriteLogLevel      2

NameVirtualHost webhome.mydomain.com:80
NameVirtualHost openliness-qa.mydomain.com:443

<VirtualHost webhome.mydomain.com:80>

ServerName webhome.mydomain.com

          CustomLog            /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy-wh.dlog
"%{%v/%T}t %h -> %{SERVER}e URL: %U"
          RewriteLog           /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy-wh.rwlog
          TransferLog          /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy-wh.tlog
          #   define a rewriting map with value-lists where
          #   mod_rewrite randomly chooses a particular value
          RewriteMap     server

          #   make sure the status page is handled locally
          #   and make sure no one uses our proxy except ourself
          RewriteRule    ^/apache-rproxy-status.*  -  [L]
          RewriteRule    ^(http|ftp)://.*          -  [F]

          #   now choose the possible servers for particular URL types
          RewriteRule    ^/(.*\.(cgi|shtml))$  to://${server:dynamic}/$1
          RewriteRule    ^/(.*)$               to://${server:static}/$1  

          #   and delegate the generated URL by passing it 
          #   through the proxy module
          RewriteRule    ^to://([^/]+)/(.*)    http://$1/$2

          #   and make really sure all other stuff is forbidden 
          #   when it should survive the above rules...
          RewriteRule    .*                    -              [F]

          #   enable the Proxy module without caching
          ProxyRequests        on
          NoCache              *

          #   setup URL reverse mapping for redirect reponses
          ProxyPassReverse  /  http://webhome.mydomain.com/

<VirtualHost openliness-qa.mydomain.com:443>

ServerName openliness-qa.mydomain.com
SSLCertificateFile /opt/apache/conf/ol-cert.pem

          CustomLog            /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy-ol.dlog
"%{%v/%T}t %h -> %{SERVER}e URL: %U"
          RewriteLog           /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy-ol.rwlog
          TransferLog          /opt/apache/logs/apache-rproxy-ol.tlog

          #   define a rewriting map with value-lists where
          #   mod_rewrite randomly chooses a particular value
          RewriteMap     server

          #   make sure the status page is handled locally
          #   and make sure no one uses our proxy except ourself
          RewriteRule    ^/apache-rproxy-status.*  -  [L]
          RewriteRule    ^(https|ftp)://.*          -  [F]

          #   now choose the possible servers for particular URL types
          RewriteRule    ^/(.*\.(cgi|shtml|jsp))$  to://${server:dynamic}/$1
          RewriteRule    ^/(.*)$               to://${server:static}/$1  

          #   and delegate the generated URL by passing it 
          #   through the proxy module
          RewriteRule    ^to://([^/]+)/(.*)    https://$1/$2

          #   and make really sure all other stuff is forbidden 
          #   when it should survive the above rules...
          RewriteRule    .*                    -              [F]

          #   enable the Proxy module without caching
          ProxyRequests        on
          NoCache              *

          #   setup URL reverse mapping for redirect reponses
          ProxyPassReverse  /  https://openliness-qa.mydomain.com/


Any help, or pointers to help are greatly appreciated.

Jared Schmidt, MCP
wwweb: http://dragon-rider.org

PowerStreak Networks, Inc.
Junior Network Analyst
wwweb: http://powerstreak.com
OpenSSL Project                                 http://www.openssl.org
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