Hello all,

I had a question on specifying the signing
time when creating PKCS7 signed files..

I have looked at crypto/pkcs7/sign.c and after
liberal use of grep, I think I have traced the 
function which adds the signingTime to the

PKCS7_add_signed_attribute(si, NID_pkcs9_signingTime,

call in PKCS7_dataFinal function in

I am trying to tell the application what
the signing time ought to be. So I tried setting
sign_time to some value greater than
x509->cert_info->validity->notBefore (for example).
This does change the PKCS7 signingTime 

*BUT* (a big one too)

I also see that the validity.start time
of the X.509 cert that goes into the PKCS7 file 
also gets set to this value.. I was wondering if
I am perhaps setting the signingTime at the wrong
If so could someone point me to the right place?
If not could someone please help me de-couple
the PKCS7 signingTime from the X.509 validity.start

TIA for your help..

Best Regards,


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