(reply sent to openssl-users)


    Don't do that! Or rather, undo what you did.

    Your problem with include files (and many other problems) is a symptom
of not having your environment properly set up for VC command-line stuff.
You need to run
C:\program files\microsoft studio\vc98\bin\vcvars32.bat on your command line
*before* running any nmake commands. This sets up the environment properly.
For myself, to make this easy to do, I create a shortcut to command.com and
fill in the batch file entry to point to the vcvars32.bat file.

Greg Stark
Ethentica, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Niky W Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 12:07 PM
Subject: Win32 Errors on MASM

> Hey guys, I'm hoping ya'll can help me out.  I'm new to this so please
> with me.  I got through everything up to using nmake.  It was able to move
> all the .c files and make them, but for some reason it's now telling me it
> can't find project.obj.  Here is the exact error:
> Building OpenSSL
>         link /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /opt:ref /dll
> /out:D:\SSL\
> out32dll\libeay32.dll /def:ms/LIBEAY32.def
> @C:\DOCUME~1\NWW\LOCALS~1\Temp\nma017
> 12.
> LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "C:\Program.obj"
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'link' : return code '0x49d'
> Stop.
> I've even tried manually to look for Program.obj, but it doesn't appear to
> be on my computer.  I also did straight C so it wouldn't include the ASM
> files because I was having problems with them earlier (another story).
> An earlier problem I was having...don't know if this has to deal with
> that NONE of the .C files could find the headers it needed (stdlib.h,
> windows.h, stdio.h).  So I had to go into EACH .C file and change the
> #include <header> line to show it exactly where it was.  It's like it
> wouldn't even look in the C:\program files\microsoft studio\vc98\include
> folder by default.  I even tried to edit the ntdll.mak file to find where
> could put in the local directory to look for these include files.  Then
> it tried to get to the windows.h files....it couldn't find the headers in
> THAT file.  So, I had to end up making copies of the Windows.h files and
> moving them into the openssl directory and editing them....it was a HUGE
> domino effect, but I finally edited the 400 someodd files and got it to
> start making them...then I got the error I stated earlier.  Any and all
> on any of these problems is GREATLY appreciated.  If I need to start over
> with it, I'm willing to to get this to compile correctly.  I would like to
> include the ASM files also, but if I can just get a working library, I'll
> work on the ASM files later.  Thanks in advance guys!
> Niky Williams
> NTS Marketing
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