we had a similar situation when the ``host`` entry in the neutron.conf was
different than the host entry in the nova.conf on the compute nodes.
So if you're setting a ``host`` entry in one of these files, then make sure the
other file contains the same ``host`` setting.
Thanks for educating me, Doug and Jeremy. Bug submitted.
Just by the way: I checked [1] and [2] to find out where bugs might be
tracked. The former doesn't mention bugs, the latter is outdated.
Finding the way through the maze of OpenStack information is not always
So I did further ping tests and explored differences between my working compute
nodes and my non-working compute node. Firstly, it seems that the VXLAN is
working between the nonworking compute node and controller nodes. After
manually setting IP addresses, I can ping from an instance on the non
How is your [ovs] bridge_mapping in your configuration?
Flat network requires a corresponding bridge_mapping entry and you also
need to create a corresponding bridge in advance.
2018年11月6日(火) 21:31 Soheil Pourbafrani :
> Hi, I initilize an instance using a defined flat network and I got the
> er
On 11/06/2018 08:21 AM, Terry Lundin wrote:
Hi all,
I've been struggling with instances suddenly not being able to fetch
metadata from Openstack Queens (this has worked fine earlier).
Newly created VMs fail to connect to the magic i
On 2018-11-06 10:58:04 +0900 (+0900), Bernd Bausch wrote:
> By the way, there used to be a /python-openstackclient /section in
> Launchpad. Doesn't exist anymore. Where are bugs tracked these days?
At the top of https://launchpad.net/python-openstackclient it says,
"Note that all Launchpad a
Hi all,
I've been struggling with instances suddenly not being able to fetch
metadata from Openstack Queens (this has worked fine earlier).
Newly created VMs fail to connect to the magic ip, eg., and won't initialize properly. Subsequently ssh
login will fail since no
Bernd Bausch writes:
> Rocky Devstack sets up bash command completion for the openstack client,
> e.g. /openstack net[TAB]/ expands to /network/. Sadly, there is no
> command completion when using the client interactively:
> /$ openstack//
> //(openstack) net[TAB][TAB][TAB][TAB][TAB]//[
Hi, I initilize an instance using a defined flat network and I got the
port no present in bridge br-int
I have a 2 node deployment (controller + network, compute).
The output of the command ovs-vsctl show is
*On the network node*
Manager "ptcp:6640