Sure. Will check this doc and follow the same.
Thanks Evgeniy, for the update.
On 25 October 2017 at 22:08, Evgeniy L wrote:
> Raja,
> From what I see, it looks like you have a problem with connectivity to the
> repositories (first fail it could not do "apt-get update" within
>From what I see, it looks like you have a problem with connectivity to the
repositories (first fail it could not do "apt-get update" within timeout)
there are multiple ways you can solve it not to have such problems in the
future, e.g. mirror all external repositories to Fuel Master node.
One more trial, and it completed successfully this time.
May be it was building it incrementally, and timing out at some point every
time, until everything fell in place finally.
That was just a guest.
Thanks Evgeniy, for the support. Please do let me know if you get any more
hint from the logs I
>>That was just a guest.
Please read the above as ``That was just a guess.''
On 25 October 2017 at 16:20, Raja T Nair wrote:
> One more trial, and it completed successfully this time.
> May be it was building it incrementally, and timing out at some point
> every time, until
Tried once again, this time its a different error:
Deployment has failed. All nodes are finished. Failed tasks:
Task[top-role-compute/3], Task[top-role-compute/2],
Task[top-role-compute/5], Task[top-role-compute/4] Stopping the deployment
I don't know if I should continue doing th
Hello All,
I tried deploying again, without making any change.
It went past the 42% mark where it was stuck last time, and after around 2
hours, errored out again, with the following message:
Deployment has failed. All nodes are finished. Failed tasks:
Task[primary-keystone/1] Stopping th
Thanks Evgeniy, for the support.
I ran the command on shell, and it immediately came out, leaving a line in
the logfile which said that all required images are present.
After this I re-ran the deployment. It went past the point, but errored
out, with the following info on the dashboard:
Yes, execution expired, means that it could not build an image within
required period of time.
The message you see can be used to build an image (copy paste into console
"command"), also there is a file with logs /var/log/fuel-agent-env-1.log,
which you can use to try to identify where the pro
Hello All,
We are trying to deploy one environment using Fuel 9.2, and it failed at
around 23%.
The error says:
Provision has failed. Failed to execute hook 'shell'
command: cd / && fa_build_image --image_build_dir /var/lib/fuel/ibp
--log-file /var/log/fuel-agent-env-1.log --data_drive