Hi everyone,

we are developing an Ironic driver for OneView [1], an Infrastructure Management System (IMS) by HP and, in order to deploy the node correctly, the driver needs to know some specific information about the configuration of the physical hardware.

In OneView, there is the concept of a "Server Profile", which contains information about the hardware configuration, like boot order, bios settings, network connections, firmware version, storage information etc. There are 150+ parameters. A Server Profile has to be assigned to the physical hardware before it is powered on. In this way we can make sure that a node is provisioned, connected to the correct network and using the correct storage, for example.

Therefore, to make a deployment, the driver needs to know which Server Profile to use as different Server Profiles can be applied to the same hardware type.

Our first thought was to abstract these options (the possible Server Profiles) into different flavors, since it contains configurations that can be used even to change the ammount of disk a server has (using SAN volumes), or the power configuration it will use. Nova flavors do have a 'capabilities' namespace on the extra_specs field which can be used to pass additional information to be used by the driver, but the data in this namespace is mandatorily used on node matching by the Nova scheduler when the capability filter is used (which is default and important).

In our case, the driver requires additional information regarding the Server Profile that is contained on the flavor, but that should *not* be used in scheduling (since a single node could accept a number of different profiles).

We suggested to use a 'passthrough' namespace (note that no changes are required on Nova to do that) in the flavor extra_specs and update the Ironic's patcher (here we have a simple change in Ironic Virt Driver, only) to include this information in the instance_info field for the node, but, according to some team members of Nova, this is directly in conflict their goals of abstracting the compute resources that Nova provide.

Another option, suggested by dansmith, is to solve this problem in Ironic using a "reservation" concept (created on Ironic to abstract such information) and pass the type of reservation on "nova boot", avoiding changes that could hurt the flavor concept. We think the footprint of such a change, not only to Ironic, but on Nova, python-novaclient and Horizon would be huge.

Nisha sent a spec about modify the nova-ironic-virt-driver to accept the json lists and dictionaries as valid values for the ironic node.properties['capabilities'] [2]. But, in this case the idea is not a solution to our scenario, because we need to pass information that should not be matched during the scheduling task.

Do you see another way to approach this problem? We hope that, with your help, we'll find out an solution that will solve our problem without contradicting any principle the nova team has set.

Thank you in advance!
Sinval Vieira

[1] http://www8.hp.com/br/pt/business-solutions/converged-systems/oneview.html
[2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/182572

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