Hi everyone,

This is a quick note that Spec proposals are now open for Keystone for the
Liberty cycle. By open, this means that specs can be proposed against
Liberty with the intention to kick-start the review cycle on specs for the
next cycle a bit earlier and help prevent piling all the new features into
the 3rd milestone for the Liberty cycle. The early acceptance doesn't mean
that there will be a lot of activity on the specs review wise until Kilo is
a bit closer to release.

If any authors have previously approved specs (from Juno or Kilo) feel free
to tag the new proposed spec with 'previously-approved: <release>" in the
commit. This will help the review team identify specs that should be
prioritized for early review.

Some general guidelines (the PTL for Liberty may decide to tweak any items
listed here):

Previously approved specs

Copy your spec from the 'specs/<oldrelease>' directory to the
'specs/liberty/' directory and note if anything has been partially
implemented and what is still required for the next cycle.

Reviewers will still do full review of the spec, there will be no
rubberstamping of previously approved specs.

New Proposals

Everything is the same as for the Kilo cycle.

Keystone Middlware and Keystoneclient

Specifications for middleware and client are handled as they were in the
Kilo cycle. Since middleware and client are not released in the same manner
as the keystone server, they can continue to be proposed and approved
regardless of the Feature-Freeze state.

--Morgan Fainberg

(If this email looks a lot like the nova email from Michael Still, It is
because I shamelessly decided to use a lot of the same concepts/verbiage...
imitation is the highest form of flattery, or so I'm told; I assure you
this email is meant for Keystone. Thanks for an awesome email I could
imitate Michael!).
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