[openstack-dev] [Trove] Configurable DB Plugins - BP flushed out

2014-06-03 Thread boden
Guys, In the BP meeting yesterday we briefly discussed the 'Configurable DB Plugins' BP: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/trove/+spec/configurable-db-plugins It was clear I needed to hash this one out in greater detail to optimally discuss the feature with the group - I've done that and you

[openstack-dev] [Trove] Configurable db plugins

2014-04-28 Thread boden
Guys, I have a few small features / enhancements I'd like to suggest. I'm willing to contribute the code / unit tests myself, but am looking for a consensus from the group before I invest the time. There are a few enhancements on my list -- I will send details each in a separate email to