Hi All,

At the Solum-Murano-Heat cross-project session [1] during the
Openstack Juno Summit it was decided that it would be beneficial for
the Solum, Murano and Heat projects to implement common UX patterns in
separate library. During an early discussion several more projects
were added (Mistral and Neutron), and an initial UI draft was proposed
[2]. That initial concept is just a first step in finding the common
ground between the needs of aforementioned projects and is much likely
to be reworked in future. So I’d like to initiate a discussion to
gather specific use cases from Solum, Heat and Neutron projects
(Murano and Mistral are already somehow covered) as well as gather in
this thread all people who are interested in the project.

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/9XQ7Q2NQdv

Timur Sufiev

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