Hi all,

I'm writing to let you know I would like to run for Technical Committee
again this term.

Here is my candidacy statement for your review.

I have worked at Rackspace on the OpenStack collection of projects for five
years now, working primarily on documentation. Rackspace is one of the
organizations and currently running and supporting both public and private
clouds. I work on the developer experience team at Rackspace where we
for the cloud developer through support, tools, outreach in the community,

In that time I've learned a lot about the people and projects that make up
OpenStack, and I've served the project in capacities that are often lacking
open source -- documentation, communication, API standards, and on-boarding
newcomers, especially under-represented groups such as women in technology.

The growth of OpenStack as a whole has been phenomenal. That growth and
attention has afforded us some experimentation with community, collaborative
documentation. In 2012 we assembled a team of operators to write the
Operations Guide that now is available as an O'Reilly book. We copied that
model successfully twice now with the Security Guide and the Architecture
Design Guide. Now project teams are completing focused documentation
In 2014 the docs team implemented a new RST-based web design that makes the
docs.openstack.org site more usable and also easier to contribute to. In the
Kilo release we saw the highest number of docs contributors were for the
API documentation. In the past six months I've been writing blog entries
fellow TC members in order to offer a line of communication beyond the
lists. This year my focus has been on API documentation and cross-project
all the while supporting Docs PTL Lana Brindley in continuing the many
documentation efforts.

Why should I earn your vote? Vote for me if you care about cross-project
collaboration and communication especially. In the next year I want to find
innovative solutions to hard problems as OpenStack matures and continues to
strive for interoperability.

My expertise and experience in end-user support including useful and
REST APIs lends itself well to working on the Technical Committee. I have an
extensive network of relationships with both public and private cloud
at Rackspace and beyond.

I am interested in the long-term viability of OpenStack as a whole. I
intend to
continue working hard for the community. I believe the Technical Committee
the best place for me to work with others to keep OpenStack on the right
to offering an open source cloud for the world.

Get to know me and my work:
OpenStack profile: https://www.openstack.org/community/members/profile/87
OpenStack blog: https://www.openstack.org/blog/author/annegentle/
Stackalytics: http://stackalytics.com/?user_id=annegentle
Reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:%22Anne+Gentle%22,n,z
Commits: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Anne+Gentle%22,n,z
IRC: annegentle
Blog: http://justwriteclick.com/
Candidate Statement: https://review.openstack.org/228482

Thanks for your consideration,

Anne Gentle
Principal Engineer
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