Thanks to everyone who's been bugfixing and reviewing RC-2 changes this
week, particularly, Flavio, Abhishek, and Sean.

We didn't get everything merged into master that's RC-critical yesterday,
and while I guess we could have released an RC-2 anyway, that didn't seem
right knowing that there were critical fixes missing.  But I digress.

I hate to ask people to work on a weekend, but with the solar eclipse on
Monday and Ganesh Chaturthi on Friday, this coming week is likely to be a
short one.  If you can make some time, please review the patches listed on
the etherpad:

There's one new patch on the list, most of the rest already have one +2.

I'd like to get RC-2 released as early in the week as possible because the
gate situation will probably be pretty bad later in the week.

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