Greetings everyone!

I would like to nominate myself as a candidate for ironic PTL for the
Pike cycle. For those that don't know me, I'm TheJulia. I have been
working in the OpenStack community since mid-2014, and ironic since
early 2015. I'm likely best known for bifrost and advocating support
for stand-alone mode. A little less well known for helping provide
guidance for ironic-webclint and ironic-ui, plus the occassional bout
of insomnia.

You may have seen me as the quiet one in the corner, only to suddenly
speak up, and then to caveat my statement with "But I might be crazy".
Well, I think this is sufficient evidence!

To get back to the point, sometimes I do see things differently than other
people when presented with a problem. A good portion of that, at least as
far as I can tell, comes from my operations background. But I've learned
my lessons over the years and try to understand others point of view and
keep an open mind.

I am a strong believer in ironic and the work that the community undertakes,
due to the countless hours I've spent inside data center installing hardware.

I am confident that my leadership skills, ability to negotiate various
opinions, and passion for Ironic and the community that drives it will be my
strongest contributions as PTL. My goals for the Pike cycle would include:

* Greater power and management interface options such as Redfish and OpenBMC.
  I think this is necessary for growing ironic's user base, and while we have
  been talking about such interfaces for a while, I believe the core community
  needs to help make this happen.

* Greater support partitioning and alternative disk layouts. This feels like
  one of those asks that more advanced deployments keep trying to solve on
  their own inside whole disk images, and while they find bugs, it would be
  awesome to offer some greater flexibility.

* Location awareness is super important to providing a single view of the
  world to an operator, yet right now we have no support for it as we
  are limited to a single endpoint representing a distinct cluster of
  conductors. We need to fix this!

I look forward to working with the Ironic community to continue improvements
and representing our community within OpenStack

Thank you for your consideration,

Julia Kreger
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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