22:38:09 -0400
> From: amul...@redhat.com
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [neutron] [metadata] metadata service when NOT
> using name space
> Can you explain why are you not using namespaces? (I'm really curious).
> I&
Can you explain why are you not using namespaces? (I'm really curious).
I've been thinking of proposing to deprecate that option only for the simple
truth that it's not tested and we have no idea if it works anymore, or if anyone
actually uses it.
- Original Message -
> When use_namespace
When use_namespaces is True, there will be a namespace metadata proxy launched
for either dhcp or router namespace, this proxy will accept metada service
request , and then proxy the request to metadata server via metadata agent.
But when use_namespaces is False, there is no namespace metadata