Several cores are on vacation (myself, sdague, bauzas, stephenfin).

RC1 is cut, and we know we have some things for RC2. Those are tracked at the top of the etherpad here:

dansmith is the only person on the release team that is going to be around to approve stable/pike backports for RC2:,members

So all things go through Dan. You were warned.

The deadline for the final release candidate is Thursday 8/24, so we don't need to tag RC2 next week.

Besides tagging RC2, I'd like to do a release for stable/ocata and stable/newton soon (around the same time that we tag RC2).

A few of us went through open stable branch reviews today, of which there were many, and we should be close to flushing things out but need another +2 on a lot of them:

Again, that's probably going to fall largely on dansmith since several of the other stable cores [1] aren't around next week, unless we can poke lyarwood to come out of hiding.

Beyond that, I hope it's quiet. Try and break stuff and find Pike regressions that should go into RC2. Triage bugs daily to see if something gets reported. Brush your teeth. Clean your room. Etc.





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