The end is near!

Before I continue with the countdown info for next week, just a reminder that
today, 8th February, is the RC1 milestone. Please make sure your project
submits a release patch for an RC (cycle-with-milestones) or final
(cycle-with-intermediary) release with a request to create a stable/queens
branch today if you have not already done so.

Development Focus

Teams should be working on release critical bugs in preparation of the final

General Information

Any cycle-with-milestones projects that missed the RC1 deadline should prepare
an RC1 release as soon as possible.

After all of the cycle-with-milestone projects have branched we will branch
devstack, grenade, and the requirements repos. This will effectively open them
back up for Rocky development, though the focus should still be on finishing up
Queens until the final release.


Watch for any translation patches coming through and merge them quickly.

If your project has a stable/queens branch created, please make sure those
patches are also merged there. Keep in mind there will need to be a final
release candidate cut to capture any merged translations and critical bug fixes
from this branch.

Please also check for completeness in release notes and add any relevant
"prelude" content. These notes are targetted for the downstream consumers of
your project, so it would be great to include any useful information for those
that are going to pick up and use or deploy the Queens version of your project.

We also have the cycle-highlights information in the project deliverable files.
This one is targeted at marketing and other consumers that typically been
pinging PTLs every release asking for "what's new" in this release. If you have
not done so already, please add a few highlights for your team that would be
useful for this kind of consumer.

This would be a good time for any release:independent projects to add the
history for any releases not yet listed in their deliverable file. These files
are under the deliverable/_independent directory in the openstack/releases

We are still missing cycle-with-intermediary releases for heat-translator,
patrole, and tacker-horizon. If we do not receive release requests for these
repos soon we will be forced to create a release from the latest commit to
create a stable/queens branch. The release team would rather not be the ones
initiating this release, so please submit a release patch for these as soon as

Upcoming Deadlines & Dates

Rocky PTL election close: February 14
Final Queens Release Candidates: February 22
Rocky PTG in Dublin: Week of February 26
Queens cycle-trailing RC deadline: March 1

Sean McGinnis (smcginnis)

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