Nothing revolutionary in the past week of Technical Committee
discussion. At least not that I witnessed. If there's a revolutionary
cabal somewhere, pretty please I'd like to be a part of it.

Main activity is (again) related to [openstack-wide
goals]( and
preparing for the [PTG]( in Dublin.

## PTG Planning

has mostly solidified. There are some etherpads related to [post lunch
including a specific one for
See the
for more context.

I've seen a fair number of people saying things like "since the PTG is
coming up soon, let's talk about this there." Given how rare the face
to face meetups are, I would hope that we could orient the time for
talking about those things which are only (or best) talked about in
person and keep the regular stuff in email.  Long term planning,
complex knowledge sharing, and conflict resolution are good
candidates; choosing the color of the shed, not so much.

The PTG is expected to sell out; [nine tickets left this

## Feedback Loops

Monday had a broad ranging
about gaps in the feedback loop, notably feedback from users who have
as their primary point of contact their vendor. There was some
sentiment of "we do a lot to try to make this happen, at a certain
point we need to move forward with what we've got and trust

As all conversations eventually do, this led to talk of LTS and
whether [renaming
might be helpful. The eventually decision was more trouble than it was

If you have some feedback you'd like to make, or something you think
needs to be discussed at the PTG, please show up to [office
hours](, send some
email, or write something on one of the many PTG etherpads that are
brewing. Thank you.

Chris Dent                      (⊙_⊙')
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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