Hi folks,

I would like to announce my self nomination for the PTL candidacy in
Tricircle Rocky cycle. My name is Zhiyuan Cai, and my IRC handle is
zhiyuan. I am currently the PTL of Tricircle for Queens cycle and have been
actively participating in the development of this project since Mitaka

During the Queens cycle, we begin to bring QoS and LBaas support to
Tricircle, test scenario coverage is improved in our smoke test, we also
start to solve the resource deletion reliability problem and have figured
out a solution.

For the coming Rocky cycle, here are some works we can focus on:

* The QoS and LBaas features are not fully supported in Queens cycle so we
can improve them in Rocky cycle.
* Implement the new cross-Neutron L3 networking model that doesn't depend
on host routes.
* Finish the resource deletion reliability solution.

Hope everyone will enjoy running and developing Tricircle.

Thank you for your kind consideration of my candidacy.

Zhiyuan Cai
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