On 11/12/2014 02:58 PM, Antoine Musso wrote:
> Hello Anita,
> It was a pleasure to meet the OpenStack virtual team in charge of
> writing the infra manual.  We had a session which had some actions
> assigned to me so here is a summary.
> At first the etherpad:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-infra-manual
> a)
> One pain point is approval rights being restricted to infra core (line
> 41 of the etherpad). The Gerrit project is already configured with an
> 'infra-manual-core' user group which currently inherit infra core but
> can be further expanded to more people.
> Project access page:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/openstack-infra/infra-manual,access
> infra-manual-core group:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/327,members
> So I guess it is solved. Just have to get more people added to it,
> probably by nominating them with whatever process is in use at OpenStack.
> b)
> Off meeting, Monty posted an explanation on the infra mailling list to
> explain how a page could be included on different pages.  Something like:
>  .. include: snippet01.rst
> My proposal during the discussion was to have each of the four sections
> to be a simple collection of links to other pages. Much like the
> MediaWiki hub page:
>   https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_hub#Key_documents
> But include is probably a better idea.
> c)
> The infra manual sounds to me as an OpenStack specification of how
> developers handles their work (ex: the approval workflow).
> Seems to me it could land as an official specification named
> 'Development Program Specifications' and land at:
>    http://specs.openstack.org/
> But then it is probably better in the 'Contribute to Openstack' section
> of the main doc site http://docs.openstack.org/
> That was really a random idea.
> Finally I filled two stories based on the Etherpad:
>   "Document how to use Sphinx/RST include"
>   https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000008
>   "Create a wiki page for booking #openstack-sprint"
>   https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2000009
> Not sure what else is needed :-]
Wonderful work, Antoine, I appreciate the followup. I am including the
infra-list as others were mentioned in the above items during the
meeting and would appreciate knowing about your progress, your thoughts
and the stories you have created.

Thank you,

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