
I have created an etherpad[1] with some thoughts about doing a virtual sprint to
upgrade our control plane to Ubuntu Xenial. Please take a moment to read and
indicate when you could assist.

While creating / deleting / upgrading control plane servers does require
infra-root permissions, there is a fair bit of stuff a non infra-root can do to
help. Specifically, we are likely going to need some updates to our puppet
manifests for some servers. This can be done by launching puppet locally
using openstack-infra/system-config on an Ubuntu Xenial VM, confirming it works
or not. If not, pushing those patch into gerrit will be more then welcome!

I've also create 2 groups of servers, ephemeral and long lived. Ephemeral means
we can likey just delete / create the server without any downtime or impact to
the OpenStack project, where our long lived servers are going to require
downtime, DNS updates, etc.

Last time we did this, we managed to knock out a large amount of server upgrades
in a week, I am hoping we'll be able reproduce this!

As always, reply here or #openstack-infra with questions.



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