Dear Scientific Working Group members,

Following the email related to the forum presentations:
and the work performed by our members during the brainstorming exercise for the 
Boston Forum:
we are now looking for task champions for the topics listed.

Ideally those champions will participate in the summit and be conducting a 
discussion with peers on this particular topic. We are also still trying to 
best understand what type of presentation style and time better suits each 
topic covered (BoF, lighting talk, …).

If you are able to help, please extend the etherpad with your contact 
information for us to be able to reach out to you shortly.

Of note, the deadline for forum sessions is April 2nd, so your prompt 
assistance is welcome.

Thank you for your help ☺

 • Martial MICHEL, PhD
National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Information Technology 
 Information Access Division’s Multimodal Information Group
•<> •(+1) 3019753866 
OpenStack-operators mailing list

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