Just a quick reminder before the Xmas break, tickets are going fast for the
European Ops Meetup so if you haven't booked yours yet then hot foot it
over to the EventBrite page to make sure you're not disappointed.


We also really need your help and input to finalise the schedule over the
next couple of weeks, so please add your session suggestions, proposals and
votes to the etherpad


Once the schedule is finalised we'll also need volunteers to moderate
sessions, so if that's something you can help with then let us know.

Happy Holidays !
Matt Jarvis
Head of Cloud Computing
Office: (+44)0161 8703985
Mobile: (+44)07983 725372
Email: matt.jar...@datacentred.co.uk
Website: http://www.datacentred.co.uk

DataCentred Limited registered in England and Wales no. 05611763
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