Hi all,

I'll be moderating the Monitoring/Tools session at next week's Ops Meetup.
The etherpage is here:


Please add items you'd like to see covered. So far, the general topics will

* Discussion of Monasca, StackTach, and related tools. Members of the
Monasca and StackTach team will be attending, so feel free to ask
questions. They also want to gather feedback on the difficulties operators
are having in the areas that those tools solve.

* Review and focus on the action items on the Monitoring wiki page:


See everyone next week,

ps: A general note for everyone attending that Sunday March 8th marks the
start of Daylight Savings Time in North America. For those who still use a
time-keeping device that does not auto-adjust, the time will be shifted an
hour forward on March 8th at 2am.  :)
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