Otto Rodusek (AP-SGP) wrote:
> Ben Kevan wrote:
>> On Tuesday 23 October 2007 11:12:07 am Otto Rodusek (AP-SGP) wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there a way to change the size of the icons on the desktop (kde) so
>>> that I can line up more icons vertically? I tried with yast and also
>>> tried desktop properties but I can't seem to find any place to make this
>>> change. Thanks for any advice.
>> Hey Otto,
>> Not sure what you mean.. but you may be looking for the "Icons"
>> settings under "Apperance & Themes" in kcontrol
>> Ben
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for the feedback - I'll give kcontrol a look and see if it will
> do what I need. Currently at the default install opensuse 10.3 kde on my
> notebook screen (1440x900) I can display 8 icons vertically. In winxp
> (sorry!!) I can comfortably (visually) display 12 icons vertically and
> would like to be able to do the same in kde to save on desktop
> real-estate. Thanks.
> Otto.
Do not forget to properly enter your actual screen size (in mm, I
believe) within Sax2, since that might also determine how your screen is
set up.

kind regards

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