David C. Rankin wrote:
> Cristian Rodríguez wrote:
>> David C. Rankin escribió:
>>> Mates,
>>>     Buildservice continues to maintain many wonderful updates for 10.0.
>>> However, the server repository now doesn't have php updates for 10.0 any
>>> longer. (http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/server:/php/) Is this
>>> a server problem or is php no longer being built for 10.0?
>> I have permanently discontinued builds of PHP against distribution 10.0
>> because it is going out of support , the time spent on it will be used
>> to improve packages for newer/supported products only.
>> As a side note, I was aware of at least one broken module that compiles
>> but does not work, you will need to update your system and move on.
>> Cheers.
> Thanks Cristian for all the great work. I've put it off as long as I
> can. 3 disks spinning 750G, full-blown 10.0 server tweaked to
> perfection, production machine, remote offsite mirror for office and
> backup mailserver -- it's going to be painful, but the time has come. If
> it wasn't for kernel updates, uptime on this 10.0 box would be pushing
> 790 days since the only time it ever went down -- thanks to hurricane
> Rita that caused a 7 day power outage and exhausted the ups. I hope 10.3
> will do as well on the old box. There have only been 2 OSes on this box.
> Mandrake 7.2 since 2001 (I think) and then SuSE 10.0 when it was
> released. One of these days, the box is just going to break, but I have
> faith that won't be until 11.2 is released.....
Hi David,

Maybe now it is time to go for SLES for such a valueable machine?

I know that his is an opensuse list. However, sometimes, you get some
benefits from looking over the fence.....

Ubuntu hat a LTS (long term support) version that, I think, is uspported
for 5 years.

Kind regards

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