Hi Guys,

I'm using the ati-fglrxG01-kmp-default driver kernel module 
(ati-fglrxG01-kmp-default-8.36.5_2.6.18.8_0.3-1.1) in a 64 bits environment 
(OpenSuse 10.2 X86_64) and when I try using kaffeine and/or xine to play some 
xvid movies or a DVD they crash.
I've found that there are some issues with the video driver that Xine uses.
If I open Kaffeine and go to Settings - Xine Engine Parameters - Video, it's in 
auto (and it's not working), If I choose opengl I can play anything I want, the 
only problem is that with opengl I cannot load subtitles. I've also tried Xshm 
but the movies doesn't look very well.

Is it related to the driver kernel module or it's a xine issue?


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