On Tue, 2006-06-06 at 22:09 +0200, Janus wrote:
> I run SUSE 10.0 (KDE 3.4.2) and I am very happy about it, except one thing: 
> From time to times my system gets very slow: The machine does not freeze, but 
> everything respond very slow.
> A 'top' shows that Kmail is the one using the largest amount of memory and 
> CPU. When I quit Kmail the system will get back to normal and everything 
> (including Kmail) works just fine. The same happens if I just let the PC 
> alone for a while. But the problem it is very annoying and I do not 
> understand what's up. So:
> 1) How can I tell what Kmail is doing when it eat that many resources?
> 2) What can I do about it?
> I have a somewhat large ~/Mail - 2,6 GB (all in maildir format). But it was
> never a problem with SUSE 9.1 (KDE 3.2).
> Suggestions?
The best place for such help is the suse-linux-e mailing list
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. There are many people with years of
experience to help you. This list is more for the future direction of

Ken Schneider
UNIX  since 1989, linux since 1994, SuSE  since 1998

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