On Mon, 26. February 2007 06:47:06 Clark P. Case wrote:
> OK, I have searched the lists as best I can, and even tore through the
> Beagle project wiki.... Is there ANY way to flush or clear the beagle
> index? I simply cannot find the answer...
> Thanks in advance...
I switched from beagle to tracker some time ago.

I didn't search for a flush or clear index functiion. What I did was a:

 find /home -type f-iname *beagle* -exec rm {} \;
 find /home -type f-iname *beagle* -exec rm {} \;

to delete all beagle files.
May be it might be a better idea to do a 

 find /home -iname *beagle* -exec ls -l {} \; >/home/find.beagle.txt
first to be shure that there is no file that shouldn't be deleted, e.g. a file  
beagle-photo.jpg or a folder beagle-photos if your pet is a beagle. ;)
By this the output of find is redirected to a file named find.beagle.txt in 
the directory /home  and this file can be viewed via less before starting a 

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