Conrad Cook wrote:
Yeah, that's pretty intense, man.

Glad you made it back in once piece..

I've been considering going around colleges hassling physicists with a
video camera, to document what science does and does not show.  Too
many other, higher-priority, projects.

How's your big project going?

I found a semiconductor device which puts out
infrared in the correct wavelength window...but
unfortunately, they're like $3500 each... so
this is cost-prohibitive for a mere improvement
on a $400 device.

So, I'm back to searching...


--- Aaron Kulkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Conrad Cook wrote:
Aaron, Elroy banned this topic earlier this year (I've been going
through the archives); I wonder if you have an opinion.

If there was anything to the "Law of Attraction", I would have
been killed several times over by incoming rockets.

I wrote something about this last spring, on Tom Vizzini's
list, I think.

And the day before I left Rustamiyah, one of the soldiers in
the company that replaced mine was literally hit by a 120mm
Katyusha rocket (body parts spread over a 50 yard radius...)
and his buddy was cut in half by the fragmentation.  Only a
week barracks was hit with a mortar at 4:30 AM.

Considering the many times I had considered the possibilities
of indirect fire falling on me, if the LOA had any validity,
I should have been hit, and neither of those guys should have
been touched that day.


While the particle physics community has discovered that events
are influenced by the mere fact that they are being observed,
the LOA people have taken an idea and run in the exact opposite
direction of what the data points towards...

I'll write more on this particular point (about physics), but
I'm not up to doing it RIGHT NOW....

I agree with you re: "Doc" Houston.  Several years ago, he
seemed quite wise and reasonable, but the last 2 years or
so, he's stepped off the edge into the abyss.

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