Hi all!

I have got trouble while installing SuSE 10.2 on Fujitsu Siemens Scenic D, 
Celeron 800 MHz, RAM 256 MB, HDD Quantum FIREBALLlct 20 10 (10 GB). First 
installation CD boots normally with blue screen and options for selecting 
language, installation type etc. When choosing any of installation type the 
kernel starts to load and, when finished, screen becomes blank with the cursor 
blinking at upper left corner of the screen, and installation hangs.

I found that this thing don't happens if I switch off the HDD in the BIOS. In 
this case kernel starts normally, but another thing happens then: YaST 
installer starts in text mode, saying that the PC have less then 96 MB of RAM 
or error starting X server, however the PC actually have 256 MB of RAM.

I have tried another HDD with SuSE installation, Fujitsu MPG3102AT, and have 
got the same trouble. I have tried different Linux distributions on the PC, 
such as Knoppix and dyne:bolic Live CDs, and finally I installed Agnula Demudi 
distribution (Debian 3.1 based), and all of them run Ok.

What can be the matter with SuSE 10.2 and HDD? And how can I solve the trouble 
with YaST installer running in text mode?

With best regards,
Vitaliy Dovgan    >>  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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