Solved Technical Problem for which I want more information:

        openSUSE 10.0

        USB device installed after boot-up and mounted via HAL opens and is 
however, the device does not show on the kicker panel by default, and when 
Safely Remove is clicked from the device icon within "my computer" 
kio_media_mounthelper gives the error message, "device not in fstab and/or 
you are not root". 

        [some of this I got from the archive]

        First, the device icon can be placed in the kicker panel by default if 
kde user first adds the applet "Storage Media" to the panel.  This should be 
a default openSUSE setup option for kde (IMO).

        Second, the kio_media_mounthelper will "Safely Remove" the device [ 
and eject ] if the following file is changed:


        At the bottom of the file (see above) change the line

                'Exec=kio_media_mounthelper -s %u'   to read

                'Exec=kio_media_mounthelper -e %u'

        The first does a umount [as root] from fstab ?? and the second does a 
kdeeject as the user...  seems to work fine, problem solved.

        Now... what I am looking for is additional information about 
kio_media_mounthelper and kdeeject.  The man page for kio_media_mounthelper 
says that the -s is needed for some usb devices.. but doesn't say which ones 
or why.  And the kdeeject  [ -e switch ] appears to umount and eject just 
fine... but I cannot find confirmation that it truly is doing a clean (sync) 
umount  and an eject in a safe way...  what I would really like to know is a 
definitive explanation for the two options?  Also, does mounting the device 
from HAL without the sync option cause a problem for kdeeject?

        This is a useability issue that should be corrected--- and I would like 
know if 10.2--on   has fixed this?

Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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