
recently been testing with identically configured opensuse 10.1 and 10.2

the 10.1 box works fine.

the 10.2 box produces debug output (my guess), by constantly telling me
the gre packet numbers it receives in /var/log/messages no matter if
/etc/pptpd.conf has the debug line commented out or not

> # 10.2-box
> Linux test10-2 #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 08:42:35 UTC 2007 i686
> i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> ppp-2.4.4-24
> pptpd-1.3.0-25
> # 10.1-box
> Linux test10-1 #1 Tue Feb 13 09:35:18 UTC 2007 i686 i686
> i386 GNU/Linux
> ppp-2.4.3-31
> pptpd-1.2.3-10

if im not mistaken, opensuse 10.2 just recently updated their pptpd
package, due to some gre-expoit stuff or something, so maybe the devs
forgot to disable the debuggingmode or something like that?

any hints?

thanks and cheers.
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