We started the day with our sort of holy ceremony:  eating lunch
together and brief on the pre booked activities.

It was an Indian Summer Saturday, so, people were out on the streets.

We had 34 visitors who passed the door in that order:

1.      The Chess Club President came round and had a question on Linux Games.

2.      We had a teacher last month who was being trained on
Spreadsheet (Calc). We indulged in exercises and revision of previous
months learning. Good student!

3.      A company director visited us to hire two people to work on
Linux in his company. One of our lads did a sort of “speed dating” and
was requested to visit the director the next week.

4.      VLC is driving us nuts as Jean-Claude had no sound any more on
his one month openSUSE Leap 42.3 installation. We spent a lot of time
repairing VLC.

5.      An old faithful member came round and wanted some advice to
buy a brand new computer. We obviously looked for a well-known
manufacturer so that openSUSE drivers would be natively available.

6.      8 Chance visitors popped in and we gladly lured them to
openSUSE. All 8 did not know anything on Linux et al.

7.      Our Greek lady had used her 4 USB keys at the local library
and wanted us to check if there were any viruses. I used this activity
to praise Linux for a non-virus OS.

8.      It was soon tea time and Laurence and some of girls went to
the coffee shop to get drinks, cakes etc.

9.      We had the routine activities on Free Software, used these
opportunities to explain how and why openSUSE rules. A few people
tried to smuggle other distributions (Ubuntu and Mint among others) in
the conversation because they themselves were using same. It’s hard to
evangelize when people already have habits… I made an installation
demo over Win10 ending with a dual boot and wow! All in half an hour
more or less including updates and customization.

10.   I had an engineer who called me twice and he arrived mid-way of
the event. He took a 42.3 DVD and seemed to be able to start a fresh
installation on his own. (He called on Sunday, completely lost, so he
came home on Tuesday which was a Public Holiday and we did it
together. He took notes on how-to for Yast et al).

11.   Two people wanted to see WSL in action. We had to go through the
steps with our blog as guide line.

12.   There was a distribution of 11 Linux Magazines, thanks Doug!

Two more events left for 2017. 25th nov. and 16th Dec

We will have more fun :D
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