2012/1/31 Alan Clark <>:
> Fun idea. It will be insightful to see how people customize their 
> environments.  For me at this point I'm still adapting mine, with the advent 
> of Gnome3 in 12.1 I haven't reached a 'steady state' point where I've tweeked 
> it to my needs, I'm still learning and adapting.
> I hope to get some good productivity ideas from others postings.
> -Alan Clark
>>>> On 1/30/2012 at 12:22 PM, andi robert <> wrote:
>> Hello my dear friends
>> The artwork team recently had a meeting in which a couple of ideas
>> were proposed. One of them is the Dream openSUSE Initiative. The idea
>> behind this proposal is to have a wider understanding of what a
>> desktop environment is for each of our users. All of us work with
>> openSUSE and many time we tweak and change our graphical environments
>> to fit our particular needs, we would like to know about these changes
>> that you have made to your graphical environment under openSUSE to
>> better determine what defaults work for our users. We are currently
>> gathering these screenshots here
>> The steps to be part of this investigative initiative are as follow
>> Set up your computer desktop they way you want it
>> Take a screeshot
>> Submit your screenshot at our wiki
>> Note: If your changes, settings or tweaks are not readily visible,
>> show us a screenshot of your settings managers or explain the settings
>> changes that you have made. This initiative is not about artwork as
>> much as it is about usability among our members. Therefore, when
>> submitting screenshots, make sure that your special usability settings
>> are also noticeable.
>> Note: The wiki page is not perfect, of you feel inclined to make
>> changes to it, please do so. :D
>> Andy (anditosan)
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