Great initiative Nelson, congratulations!

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 13:15, Nelson Marques <> wrote:
>  Dear all,
>  During November {22,23,26} I'll be giving a small introduction to Free
> Software and GNU/Linux in the local high school.
>  This will cover 43 students on the IT branch. Regarding the event
> itself it's organized as follows (it's pretty much informal):
>  Session #1 - Introduction (50 + 50 mins)
>  - Introduce Free Software;
>  - Install a Linux Distribution (was actually thinking on using
> openSUSE 11.3, free choice GNOME/KDE).
>  - Software Repositories and Package management.
>  Session #2 - Free Desktop and Productivity (50 + 50 mins)
>  - Configure and tweak GNOME/KDE;
>  - Introduction to productivity applications;
>  Session #3 - Collaboration & Aftermath
>  - Collaboration across Free Software;
>  - Developing skills and interacting with FOSS Communities;
>  - Aftermath (includes grabbing all the feedback we can use, small
> group session informal talk with the students).
>  The dates are 90% sure, but they might be changed, as there were
> concerns in trying to make this on a week where they don't have
> evaluation tests and this part of the trimester is complicated for
> students. Either way, if there are changes, they will be decided during
> the next week.
>  From this event we earn:
>  * Feedback;
>  * A cool article for our wiki/blog sphere;
>  * Some local advertising on local newspapers (I can't grant this, but I
> will push it forward, including on the radio if possible, since this
> actually for the benefit of the local people).
>  * Some photos, though I don't legally if we can use them or not because
> they are children (minors), and as a marketeer I would hate to make
> usage of them. I would probably dodge this issue by asking to have them
> posted on the school website.
>  What I could use:
>  * Installation Media.
>  * USB sticks (I have those sorted out, a local corporation will sponsor
> those, all installs and such are going to be made on USB sticks, one per
> student).
>  Can I get some media shipped to the school? I would rather have it
> shipped to the Administration of the School than exactly to me. I do
> have stickers I brought from the conference, so I will be using them as
> well.
>  Nelson.
> --
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Raul Libório
 openSUSE Member | Linux User #4444581

"There are only 10 types of people in the world -
Those who understand binary, and those who don't."
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