Please pardon the cross list post. For a while now I have been
attempting to drum up a small team to create a functional demo of the
Kablink (OSS Novell Vibe) collaboration technology. I was reluctant to
attempt drumming up any support or publicity until I could clearly show
how it could be done to benefit our community. However, attempting this
in relative secrecy hasn't worked. Also, it has been brought to my
attention that open/SuSE has become a largely ruby house. Thus the Java
its mostly written in may not be compatible. Also a known issue with
Kablink is its complexity, and ugly interface.

I had a meeting with a manager from Novell to see about getting
assistance in implementing Kablink for us, and he agreed to assist us
with the project. However, I am not saavy enough to do much with it.

I have also been evaluating another similar technology called
from Cynapse, which is written largely in Python and has an excellent
interface. This is perhaps a more viable technology as I believe we have
more Python devs than Java ones.

So now I am approaching you to discuss if you feel as I do that we could
benefit from a solution like this. Also, I feel that we need to make
sure that the technologies our project uses must be OSS seeing as I know
we have been using some collaboration platform that is not Free. I ask
that you take a look at the Kablink and and imagine the

I think that many of the issues facing our project could be relieved
with a unified collaboration platform. This platform could supplant some
of our current technologies, while integrating with others.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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