
On 03/10/2011 04:01 PM, Chuck Payne wrote:

> I told Henne' great announce

It wasn't me!

I just polished it :) The kudos go to Jos who did the initial draft and
especially to everybody who has so relentlessly worked on the
Product_highlights page in the last couple of weeks. This collection
gathered through all of your hard work is what made the announcement

    Chuck Payne
    Helen South
    Bryen Yunkashko
    Manu Gupta
    Jos Poortvliet
    Bruno Friedmann "tigerfoot"
    Izabel Valverde
    Sascha Manns
    James Mason “bear454”
    Greg KH
    Tony Su
    Kostas Koudaras
    Christian Boltz
    Dominique Leuenberger
    Guido Berhörster
    Andres "anditosan" Silva
    Frank Sundermeyer
    Andreas Jaeger
    Holger Hetterich
    Carlos Ribeiro

Keep up the good work peepz! You rock!


Henne Vogelsang, openSUSE.
Everybody has a plan, until they get hit.
        - Mike Tyson
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