
I was on FB today and noticed a sponsored ad for Archlinux.  Made me
curious to wonder what an ad would cost for openSUSE Summit.
Interesting thing is that it gives you reach data as you click along.
What I've found:

Following stats are for US only:
- 2,200 with an interest in "openSUSE" (as a keyword)
- 5,060 with combined interest in "openSUSE" and "SUSE" variations
- 52,020 with an interest in "fedora" 
- 96,140 with an interest in "ubuntu" 
- 200 with an interest in "archlinux"
- 2,460 with an interest in "gentoo"
- 130,580 with an interest in "linux"
- 21,860 with an interest in "debian"
- 55,300 with an interest in "open source"

Breakdown of countries with interest in "openSUSE" and "SUSE"
variations. Only countries with 200 or more shown:
- Australia = 1,440
- Belgium = 2,260
- Brazil = 1,260
- Bosnia/Herzegovina = 2,960
- Canada = 600
- Croatia = 10,280
- El Salvador = 280
- France = 800
- Germany = 3240
- Greece = 240
- Hungary = 320
- India = 2,000
- Indonesia = 2,180
- Italy = 680
- Malaysia = 660
- Mexico = 1,360
- Montenegro = 420
- Netherlands = 260
- Norway = 380
- Pakistan = 220
- Peru = 200
- Phillipines = 2,280
- Poland = 600
- Russia = 280
- Serbia = 4,040
- Spain = 760
- Sweden = 400
- Switzerland = 200
- Turkey = 400
- Tunisia = 260
- United States = 5,060
- United Kingdom = 940
- Venezuela = 200

Remember, this is only for those who are on Facebook.  It isn't an equal
amount to reality because many in open source don't use Facebook.  But
nevertheless, the numbers are interesting and some countries had
surprisingly high numbers.  

Anyway, I thought this was some interesting numbers to pass along.  :-)

Bryen M Yunashko
openSUSE Project

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