Heya all,

In a few hours you're all supposed to meet up for food, 11:30 according to 
the agenda at the wiki: 

After that you'll have to plan for the rest of the week. As I am not there I 
decided to send my thoughts via mail and I hope you'll find time to set up a 
hangout for me and others to join ;-)

First off, I would suggest one of you updates the agenda on the wiki to let 
those not there see what will be worked on and when and of course have a 
tracking tool for ourselves.

If you like you could try to use the technique that was used at the previous 
hackathon with little cards with tasks to track progress and all that - but 
in any case, a list of artwork items and marketing things would be a good 
outcome of the meeting.

A second thing you all need to discuss on the artwork side is HOW to work - 
there have been some discussions and conflicts lately and that has to be 
talked about. A face to face is the best chance to do that, so plase don't 
waste this opportunity! I'm sorry I can't be there but I'm sure somebody 
from the openSUSE team will help you.

I would love to join by hangout also Tuesday morning to talk with the 
marketeers about the feature guide, there's lots of work to do on that and 
it is very important for the release.

>From the tasks on the wiki there is one important and urgent thing that I'd 
like to mention: the SUSE documentation team has asked if we could go over 
the documentation and tell them a chapter which urgently needs updating. 
They have someone they can put on that dedicated but we need to tell them 
what chapter is most urgent.

I've put this on the wiki, incl some info. We'll need help from Max Lin, I 
suppose, he has done this job for openSUSE 12.2 - I hope we can get him for 
a hangout. Can you guys and girls try to schedule this in the agenda?


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