
My report in Greek for the release party [1] and my general report in English for the conference called FOSSCOMM [2].

More pictures and videos soon...

Have phun,

[1] http://eiosifidis.blogspot.gr/2013/04/report-opensuse-123-release-party.html [2] http://eiosifidis.blogspot.gr/2013/04/report-fosscomm-2013-april-20-21.html

Στις 13/04/2013 11:20 πμ, ο/η Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) έγραψε:
Hello Ambies and Lizzards all over the world...

Next week (April 20-21) we'll have our annual Greek FOSS Communities conference in Athens. We prepare our participation. We'll have a booth and 3 presentations (including the #oSC13). Right now we're doing the booth logistics. For more information about preparations check out the wiki page [1].

Since we'll be in Athens, we planned a release party there. Our Hackerspace friends, provide their space (and beers) and we'll bring everything else. For more information about it, check out our connect [2] announcement (in Greek). At the bottom, there are facebook and plus events.

Next week, I'll be back with report and pictures from both events.

Have phun,

[1] https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:FOSSCOMM2013
[2] http://bit.ly/125byTY


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