Report on SFD 16th September, 2017.

One week after association’s day, we had SFD. We were still excited
and highly motivated.

The city lent us a video projector because this way, I can share my
screens with everybody present.

The number of visitors was 33. There were already 4 people who sort
of booked a session over the phone.

1.       A lady has a MacBook and before jumping in at the deep end,
wanted to learn more on Linux. She is a teacher and needed some
coaching on administrative IT programs like LibreOffice.

2.       A couple has 3 PC, two “old” ones and a new one. They wanted
to get openSUSE installed. We could not because we do not have 32bit
versions and also because their IT knowledge could not warrant such a

3.       Another lady wanted to purchase a new pc.  She had been
advised to buy a Lenovo with Ubuntu, a 15” screen, 500 GB HD and 4
Gigs of RAM. I changed her vision for a HP with the double of all that
and a 17” screen. She will purchase same and bring over for openSUSE

4.       We made 8 openSUSE Leap 42.3 upgrades. (VLC still giving
trouble). Plus one complete reinstallation.

5.       Oh, our Greek lady had an issue with her Yast update. All sorted out.

6.       I had a few interesting debates on ODT, XML and Microsoft
format of Office documents. This created a buzz because people
suddenly discovered on how to use Linux with MS Office documents from
a Windows partition.

7.       We went into teaching some basics of openSUSE and also more
elaborate matters on Concepts, advanced administration, cloning etc.

8.       Strange issue: Around 4 visitors thought that Linux was
something that can be uploaded straight in their mind. They thought
that the learning was not from their end.

We really had a lot of fun :D

PS. We ended the evening at my step-daughter’s place who cooked  for us.

PS1. Now, we are getting ready for Saturday 28th October, next.
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